VT2000 Service Pricing
New Sites
Creating a fixed price for a fixed site package is a difficult task because there are so many possible options.
Overall price is usually determined by the number of images and pages on the site, in addition to consideration of image treatment.
For example, a basic business site with 4 or 5 pages, 5-10 images, and a secure contact page, optimized for desktop, tablet, and smartphone, will run around $800. For a desktop-only web site the cost would be around $500.
VT2000 Hosting
If you choose to have me host your site, the cost for one year's hosting is $60/year. For the protection of my clients, I only host sites that I create and/or manage. No one but me ever accesses my server. For the security you get, these rates are extremely reasonable. Talking is free! If you want to talk, give me a call or drop me an email here.
If you only need a logo, this is the place. I've been designing them since long before the web was around. When I worked as a graphic designer in the pre-internet years, my specialty was typogography. And, typographcial design is the foundation of all logo design.